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The Gray-Howell Wedding


July 18, 2021

We Got Hitched!

We've tied the knot and are now on our journey to forever. 

Our Story

Our Story


Darryl's Story

Our story is one of loyalty, patience, forgiveness, and really just an ode to the saying “what’s meant to be truly will be” if you're willing to do a little work with a lot of love. I knew who Brittney was just from being around and in church here in Chicago, I’ve known her dad since I was super young, so she was a stranger but not really--I was more of a stranger to her actually. Rell and I would be spending hours hanging on MySpace and that’s kinda where I knew I wanted to hang out and get to know her.

I kinda put myself in her way at one of her dad's Bday celebrations soon after and we had a good joke and a cool talk and it seems like we never stopped talking. She never stopped caring, supporting, accepting, and unconditionally loving through so many transitions, taking interest and making me feel like I mattered every single day. I didn’t know how we would end up here, or when, but I knew we would and I couldn’t be more happy that we are here. Brittney started off an amazing best friend to me, and still is, just added being an amazing lover.

Brittney's Story


I actually don't remember when I met Darryl, but I do remember when we exchanged numbers at my dad's 50th birthday celebration. My mom is a caterer and she cooked for the event, so my clothes reeked of onions and he made the biggest deal that somebody smelled--and it was me! LOL! I was a freshman at Illinois at the time and I remember the talking point being him and Marcus were going to come visit because they had another friend who went there as well.

I was still with my high school sweetheart at the time and Darryl had a girlfriend (that he didn't tell me about! lol), so we were honestly functioning as friends--but he liked me (maybe I knew that, maybe I didn't 😬). We were VERY good friends immediately out the gate. Darryl sat through my first major breakup and another heartbreak after that and I remember crying to him and him being the perfect gentleman--he never asserted that he wanted to date me, it just naturally progressed. He never forced the idea of us getting together, but he was there waiting for me to realize that he was waiting for his turn 😂 (shoutout to our sister, Eryka "Bookie" Anderson for kinda putting us together). Even through me feeling uncertain, he waited on me. We began dating as teenagers and we knew that we wanted to be together forever, but we were young and had so much life to experience as single people. I was able to learn to stand on my own two feet and so was he. We've been able to accomplish so much as individuals that I know we have so much more to conquer together. I love that Darryl remained committed to us being a solid couple before making the big decisions--he never settled at us having been together for a while as the reason to move forward. We've invested so much of our time, money, emotions, family, and our hearts into the health and wellness of our relationship and that means the WORLD to me. Some may say (and HAVE said 🙄😂) "about time," but there's no rush to forever 🥰

The Proposal

The Proposal

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Our Playlist

Our Playlist
Black Love: #HowelltoGetHitched Documentary
Well Wishes
Keyboard and Mouse


Well Wishes?


“This entire presentation is just beautiful!!! As a mother, this is a day I've longed to see!! To have someone special that you know, loves your son unconditionally, as Brittney does is like sticking gold!! She's been my daughter for years,and now you will seal the deal!! God bless you son, you've always made us proud, and here you go again!! I say THANK YOU! You both and this marriage will be in my prayers."

Latanzya Howell/Mother of the Groom

“Congratulations 🍾🎉🎈 I wish you both the best life of love together and happiness forever ❣️ I am so excited for your future and love seeing this Black Love ✊🏾🥰"

Althea Godfrey

“Proud of you guys. Love yall"

Rod & Carissa Hubbard

"This is so dope and a blessing! I wish the both of much love and prosperity in your union. Congrats!"

Carlton Gue

"I wish you all the best. Don't stop talking. Always communicate and keep God 1st. Be blessed."

Kendra Wiley

"This was beautiful to read. Brit you’re a wonderful person and Lil man I’ve only known and experienced goodness from you. I’m happy for you both and may this union bring you both more joy, love, health, wealth and peace."

B Musique

Many Congratulations to you both! This is a great moment for you!

Terrance Lyles

Congratulations to my daughter and fiance. Such a loving couple.

Brenda Stephens

Wow, what a beautiful presentation and union. I am overwhelmed with the love that you both share. I pray a blessing over you both and may this marriage be covered. Together Pray, Love, and enjoy Every moment of this journey. Brit Brit, you are a Beautiful Woman and deserve nothing but the Best. Lil Man, you are the luckiest man in the world. I’m so happy that you both have found your soul mate. God continue to Bless you both.

Manuella Morris

A partnership like yours is one to be treasured, nurtured, and cherished. Everybody needs someone to love: to bring them a warm drink when they’re sick, to pick them up when they feel down, to walk down many roads together You’ve found your match, and I couldn’t be happier for you,I wish you both a lifetime of happiness filled with love Congratulations on making it official with your engagement. May God grant you all of life's blessings and love's joys.

Regina McCain

Ayyyye!! Looka here!! This is so beautfiul! Lilman & Britt, I couldn't be more excited about this union! I love you both immensely & I can't wait to see all the legacy-building, monumental things God does through you two! The sky isn't even the limit! Love & Blessings!

Dee Read

You absolutely killed this page, Britt! I love you guys so much and I honestly couldn't ask for a better neighbor/family. I'm so happy for you two, and one things for certain..If can't nobody handle Brittney, Lil Man can lol....I love yall again, and I can't wait to celebrate on your wedding day!

Delisa Greene

I’m excited all over again for the both of you

LaTanzya Howell/Mother of the Groom

I cannot wait to Journey to the CHI to see one of my FAVORITE cousins "Brittney Lynn" get married to her future. I wish you both nothing but the absolute best

John Carter

Congratulations 👏🎉💕You guys are so Beautiful together

Jackie & Rod Reed

Wedding Hashtag: #HowellToGetHitched

© 2021 By Britt & LiLMaN

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